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Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo
Prof. Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo (PhD)
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
312 Science & Research 1
Rm #312
Houston, TX 77204-5007
Informacion de contacto
Paleobiology Group, Stanford University

Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo (PhD)

Soy profesor asistente en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Tieerra y Atmosfericas de la  Universidad de Houston (USA), además miembro postdoctoral de la asociación Marie Curie en el Departamento de la Tierra y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Stanford, USA. Tambien estoy vinculado al Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Ambiente de la Universidad de Leeds, UK


Mi investigación se enfoca principalmente en la geología sedimentaria, estratigrafía y geoquímica isotópica de baja temperatura.


Algunas de mis actividades de investigación específicas son:


1) Investigar el efecto de cambios en las condiciones ambientales globales en el pasado y los ciclos biogeoquímicos marinos globales usando isotopos estables no convencionales (Ca, Mo, U, Mg, Sr).


2) Investigar como cambios en la fábrica de los carbonatos se dieron de forma paralela a variaciones en el clima y en la química del océano durante periodos de alto pCO2 atmosférico en el pasado (Neoproterozoico, Permico - Triasico, OAE Cretácicos, Paleógeno).


3) Hacer modelos de evolución de cuencas sedimentarias marinas a lo largo del Circum Caribe utilizando multi-herramientas (por ejemplo: estratigrafía de secuencias, dataciones U-Pb en circones detríticos o en carbonatos y quimioestratigrafía isotópica de C y Sr.

4) Investigar la evolución de cuencas sedimentarias continentales Cenozoicas a lo largo del norte de Suramérica usando estratigrafía de secuencias, dataciones U-PB en circones detríticos, petrografía y análisis de minerales pesados.

5) Investigar la variabilidad del clima en el Holoceno usando técnicas multi-isotopicas y multi-elementales en espeleotemas y lagos.


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Historia Académica




Ph.D. in geochemistry. Universitat Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

Tittle of dissertation: Major variations in the global biogeochemical cycles in the aftermath of the Neoproterozoic glaciation: A multi-proxy approach.



M.Sc. in environmental and sedimentary sciences. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.

Tittle of dissertation: C, O- and Sr-isotope stratigraphy of the Sao Caetano Complex, Borborema Structural Province, NE Brazil.



B.Sc. in Geology. Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia.

Tittle of dissertation: Sequence stratigraphy and petrography of the Upper Amaga Member of the Coal Amaga Formation-Antioquia.


Historia Laboral


Experiencia académica e Investigativa




Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow. Stanford University (USA) -University of Leeds (U.K.)

I am using multi-isotope proxies (d44/40Ca, d26Mg, d238/235U, d98/95Mo, d34/32S, d88Sr/86Sr) in carbonates and black shales to investigate the effects of past ocean acidification and deoxygenation during periods of high atmospheric pCO2 and biologic crises and diversifications; i.e. Permian-Triassic and Ediacaran-Silurian.


2011- present

Assistant professor in Geology. Universidad de Caldas, Manizales Colombia.

I am teaching curses in stable isotope geochemistry, environmental geology, carbonate sedimentology and geochemistry, field geology.




Postdoctoral Fellow. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, USA-Panama.

I applied sequence stratigraphic, chemostratigraphy (Sr-, C- and O- isotopes) and carbonate U-Pb geochronology to establish the timing of environmental and climatic controls on Cenozoic Caribbean carbonates deposition.



Research Assistant. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.

Use of S-, C-, O- stable isotopes, minor, major and trace element to investigate biospheric oxygen levels in ancient oceans.


Experiencia en la industria



Consultant. Gran Tierra Petroleum Company.

Sequence stratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and paragenetic characterization of Cretaceous carbonate and siliciclastic successions along the Putumayo Basin, southern Colombia.



Consultant. PETROBRAS, REPSOL, Colombian Petroleum Company (consortium).   Sequence stratigraphy and carbonate characterization (using Petrography, CL, elemental and isotope geochemistry, carbonate U-Pb dating) of Cenozoic carbonate successions along La Guajira Peninsula, northern Colombia and Panama.


2011- 2012

Consultant. PETROBRAS, Pacific Rubiales, Colombian Petroleum Company (consortium).

Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization of Cretaceous carbonates along the Cesar Rancheria Basin, northern Colombia.



Consultant. Colombian National Agency of Hydrocarbons (ANH)

Stratigraphy and carbonate characterization (using Petrography, Cathodoluminiscence, elemental and isotope geochemistry) of potential carbonate gas reservoirs along the San Jacinto frontier basin, NW Colombia and the Colombian Pacific.



Consultant. Colombian Petroleum Company (ECOPETROL).

Stratigraphy and carbonate characterization (using Petrography, CL, elemental and isotope geochemistry, carbonate U-Pb dating) of Cenozoic carbonate successions along La Guajira Peninsula, Colombia and Panama.








Premios, becas y Reconocimientos





Marie Curie IOF program grant (European Union).

Investigating the effects of past and recent ocean acidification using multi-proxy geochemical indicators.

Grant Amount: € 400.000.


UNESCO Man and Biosphere grant program.

Holocene paleoclimatic reconstruction of the northwest of Latin America: a multi-proxy and multi-scale approach.  

 Grant Amount: US$ 5000



Honor and merit to the best graduate student in Geology

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil





Universitat de Bern- Swiss National Science Foundation scholarship.

Project: Mo and Ca- isotopes in carbonates.

Grant amount CHF$ 120.000 to Thomas F Nagler, PI.


Sigma-Xi research grant.

Project: Modeling changes in global oxygenation levels during the lower Paleozoic explosion of animal life.

Grant amount US$ 1000


Society of paleontologist and sedimentologists (SEPM) research grant.

Project: investigating changes in global oxygenation levels during the Ediacaran. Grant amount US$ 1.500


Geological Society of America (GSA) research grant.

Project: Major fluctuation in global biogeochemical cycles associated to the

Neoproterozoic global glaciations.

Grant amount US$ 1.500


University of Tennessee Travel Grant.

Grant amount US$ 1000



Colombian Agency for the Advance of Culture and Science, COLFUTURO Research Grant.

Project: Stable isotope stratigraphy as a correlation tool of Mesoproterozoic Carbonate sequences.

Grant amount US$ 50.000





Publucaciones en peer-reviewed journals





- Silva-Tamayo J.C., Nägler T, Newton R, Wignall P, Grice K & Böttcher M. 2010 Global Shallow Marine Euxinia Triggering the Latest Permian Mass Extinction: Evidence from Mo-Isotopes. Editor Choice, Science

- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Nägler, T.F., Nogueira, A., Kyser, K., Villa Igor, Riccomini, C., Sial., A.N., Narbonne, G.M., James, N.P.  2010. Global perturbation of the marine Ca-isotopic composition in the aftermath of the Marinoan global glaciation. Precambrian Research, 182, 373-381

- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Nägler, T.F., Villa, I.M., Kyser, K., Vieira, L.C., Sial, A.N.,  Narbonne, G.M., and James, N.P. 2010. Global Ca isotope variations in Post-Sturtian carbonate successions Terra Nova 22, 188-194



- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Sierra, G.M., Correa, L.G., 2008. Tectonic and climate driven fluctuations in the stratigraphic base level of a Cenozoic continental coal basin, northwestern Andes, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 26, 3869-382




- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Sial, A.N., Ferreira, V.P., Pimentel, M.M., 2005, C- and Sr- isotope stratigraphy of the São Caetano Complex, northeastern Brazil: a Contribution to the study of the Meso-Neoproterozoic seawater geochemistry. Brazilian Academy of  Science, 35, 137-155.



- Marques, W., Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Sial, A.N., Menor, A., 2004, Análises de δ13C e δ18O em foraminíferos da margem continental do Nordeste Brasileiro entre os estados do Ceará e Pernambuco. Boletim de Geologia UFC, v. 30, 1-25.

- Sierra, G., Silva-Tamayo, J. C., Correa, L., 2004. Estratigrafía Secuencial de la Formación A maga. Bol. Cien. Tierra, 15, 9-22.


Sometidas a peer-reviewed journals


- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Rosero, J.S., Sial, A.N., Machado, A., Pardo, A., Montes, C., Cardona, A., Zapata-Ramírez, P.A, Zapata, V., Ramirez, V., Nino H. Changes in the Eocene-Miocene marine carbonate factories along the tropical SE Circum-Caribbean Region follow major regional and global environmental and tectonic events, Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology (2013).


- Rosero, S., Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Alcides N. Sial, A.N., Borrero, C. Pardo, A.  Sr chemostratigraphy of some Eocene-Miocene successions of northern Colombia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2013).


- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Weyer, S., Payne, J.L., Wignal, P.B., Newton, R., Bruetzke, A., Neubert, N., Maher, K., Lau, K. Mo- and U-isotopes suggest widespread ocean euxinia triggering the latest Permian mass extinction. Proceeding National Academy of Science of the USA (2013)


-Silva-Tamayo J.C., Payne J.L., Eisenhauer, A , Wignall P. B., Newton R. J. Global perturbation of the Marine Ca isotope cycle during the Permian-Triassic transition. Geological Society of America Bulletin (2013)


En preparacion para peer-reviewed journals


- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Weyer, Wignall, P., Newton. R., Rapid enhancement of marine euxina triggering the latest Permian mass extinction: Evidences from Mo-isotopes in carbonates.


- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Weyer, S. Sial, A.N., Raiswell, R., Nogueira, A., Ricommini, C.  Mo and U isotope evidences of changing local and global oceanic redox conditions in the aftermath of the Marinoan global glaciation.


- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Coccionni, R., Scopelleti, G. Mo-isotopes evidence for increased anoxia during OAE-2, distinguishing local from global signals.


-  Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Payne, J.L., Wignall P.B., Newton R.J., Neubert, N, Brueske, A., Eisenhauer A., Weyer, S, Fietzke, J., Maher, K. Ca, Mo and U isotopes suggest Neoproterozoic-like ocean conditions during the Late Permian Mass Extinction.


- Silva-Tamayo, J.C., Rise, Justin, Eisenhauer, A., Paytan, A. Major perturbations in the Ediacaran marine Ca and Sr stable isotope cycle reflect profound changes in ocean chemistry during the advent of biomineralization.









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